Computing Resources

World-Class Computing

The HPC4EI Program uses world class computing power across nine U.S. Department of Energy laboratories. Combined, the DOE systems, which include 5 of the top 20 systems as ranked by TOP500 in June 2021, mark some of the most powerful computing resources in the world.


DOE logo
Top 500 logo


In addition, through the national laboratories, DOE actively infuses and maintains a comprehensive ecosystem of high performance computing assets and the industry leading scientists and engineers capable of leveraging their power.

Each project awarded through the HPC4Manufacturing and HPC4Materials pillars is matched with a specific super computing system that best meets their needs. Through the overarching HPC4EI program, we are leveraging this family of DOE systems to bring world class computing power to solve some of the most challenging problems facing US industry.

DOE Participating Laboratories

The following table shows the individual systems supporting this program, the laboratories that host them, and each system’s key metrics.

DOE National Laboratory System Nodes Cores GPU Description
Argonne logo
Argonne National Laboratory
Theta 4,392 281,088   Cray XC40/Intel Zeon PHi (KNL)
ThetaGPU 48 3,072 192 Cray XC40/AMD Rome and NVIDIA A100
Cooley 126 1,512 126 Cray CS300-AC/Intel Haswell and NVIDIA Tesla K80
Bebop 672 24,192   Cray CS400/Intel Xeon Broadwell
256 9,216 1,024 Cray CS400/Intel Xeon Broadwell and NVIDIA A100
Berkeley Lab logo
Berkeley Lab
Perlmutter 1,792 114,668   HPE Cray EX235n, AMD EPYC 7763 64C 2.45GHz, NVIDIA A100 SXM4 40 GB
3,072 393,216 1,792 HPE Cray EX235n, AMD EPYC 7763 64C 2.45GHz, NVIDIA A100 SXM4 40 GB
LLNL logo
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lassen 792 34,848 3,168 IBM Power System S922LC/+ 4x NVIDIA Volta accelerators/node
Quartz 2,634 96,768   Intel Xeon E5-2695
Los Alamos logo
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Grizzly 1,490 53,640   Penguin Computing Tundra ES; Broadwell
Oak Ridge National Laboratory logo
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Frontier 9,408 602,112 37,632 HPE Cray EX/ AMD EPYC CPU and AMD MI250X GPU
Ridge 40 5,120   Cray/HPE CS500, AMD Rome CPUs (64-core, 2 GHz)
Pacific Northwest logo
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Constance 520 12,480   Dual Intel Haswell E5-2670
NREL logo
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Kestrel 2,144 222,976   CPU Nodes: Dual Socket Intel Xenon Sapphire Rapids 52 core processors with 256 GB of Memory
10 1,040   CPU Big Memory Nodes: CPU Nodes: Dual Socket Intel Xenon Sapphire Rapids 52 Core Processors with 2TB of Memory
132 16,896 528 GPU Nodes: Dual Socket AMD Genoa 64-core processors with 4 NVIDIA H100 SXM GPUs, and total of 484 GB of Memory
8 832 16 GPU Big Memory Nodes: CPU Nodes: Dual Socket Intel Xenon Sapphire Rapids 52 core processors with 2 NVIDIA A40 GOUs and 2TB of Memory
NETL logo
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Joule 2 1,664 78,720   HPE ProLiant XL/Intel Xeon Gold 6148, Nvidia Tesla P100
Sandia National Laboratories logo
Sandia National Laboratories
Sky Bridge 1,848 29,568   Intel Sandy Bridge E5-2670
Chama 1,232 19,712   Intel Sandy Bridge E5-2670
Ghost 740 26,640   Intel Xeon Broadwell E5-2695
Eclipse 1,488 53,568   Intel Xeon Broadwell E5-2695
Attaway 1,488 53,568   2.3Ghz Intel Skylake/Gold 6140
Solo 374 13,464   Intel Xeon Broadwell E5-2695
Uno 201 3,344   2.7 Ghz Intel Sandy Bridge


Virtual Computational Facility Tours

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley virtual tour


Virtual Tour

Register for a docent-led virtual tour of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) facility.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge virtual tour


Virtual Tour

Visit the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) through a self-guided virtual tour.

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Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories - Virtual Tours


Virtual Tour

Visit Sandia National Laboratories Data Center through a self-guided virtual tour.

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