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SAVE THE DATE: October 7, 2022

8:00 AM - 2:10 PM PDT


Join us on October 7th for this special webinar event!

The High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation pairs industry partners with computational scientists at the DOE national laboratories to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas generation in products and processes. The theme of this year’s Virtual Manufacturing Day Event will be to discuss technology needs in areas of high priority to DOE given the recent emphasis on combating climate change. We will explore the topics of decarbonization of industrial processes; research needs in the areas of carbon utilization and concentrated solar energy; and the issues around high hydrogen fuel mixtures for gas turbines or internal combustion engines. Hydrogen fuel mixtures presents unique challenges in combustion and combustors in terms of temperature and material degradation effects. We will engage in discussions to elucidate research topics to encourage researchers to apply capabilities to their solutions.


High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) is funded by the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) Advance Manufacturing Office (AMO), Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Office (FECM), Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO), and Vehicle Technology Office (VTO). The HPC4EI program pairs industry engineers and scientists with national laboratory computational experts to solve difficult production and design problems aiming to reduce national energy consumption. Since its inception 2015, the HPC4EI program has funded over 150 projects with participation by 11 national laboratories. The world-class computational capabilities at the national laboratories are used to address problems in steel and aluminum manufacture, jet turbine design and manufacture, advanced materials for light weighting and high temperature, high corrosion applications, chemical processing and many more topic areas.

Event Agenda

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Event Speaker: Joe Cresko - October 2022

Featured Speaker

Joe Cresko

Chief Engineer
U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office

Joe Cresko is the Chief Engineer and Strategic Analysis Lead in Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), where he leads efforts to assess the life cycle and cross-sector impacts of advanced manufacturing technologies. Joe is leading AMO’s development of DOE’s Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap, and co-leads the Manufacturing & Supply Chain pillar for DOE’s Energy Storage Grand Challenge.

Prior to joining DOE, Joe spent 25 years developing electrotechnologies for materials processing and manufacturing innovations, including the use of microwave, radio-frequency, induction, UV and electron beam technologies for industries including aerospace, ceramics, polymer, composites, foundry and food manufacturing.

Event Speaker: Amishi Claros - October 2022

Featured Speaker

Amishi Kumar Claros

Acting Division Director of Carbon Dioxide Removal Conversion
U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Carbon Management

Amishi Kumar Claros works in the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Carbon Management as the Acting Division Director of Carbon Dioxide Removal and Conversion. The Carbon Management Office works to enable the demonstration and ultimately deployment of technologies for carbon management and mitigating challenges of fossil fuel use in a just and sustainable way, with the goal of achieving net-zero GHG emissions by mid-century. Previously, Amishi was a Science and Technology Policy (STP) Fellow in the DOE where she gained experience in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and a broader understanding of technical, economic, and policy-based changes occurring within the energy industry.

Prior to joining the DOE, Amishi was a Program Coordinator at the United States Energy Association. She earned a masters Geological Sciences, as well as Environmental Sciences at Indiana University; she received her bachelors at Vanderbilt University.

In her free time, Amishi enjoys camping, eating, yoga, and organizing trash pick-ups in local parks. She has worked at the National Park Service through the AmeriCorps program at Mount Rainier National Park and San Juan National Historic Park.

Event Speaker: Dr. Avi Shultz - October 2022

Featured Speaker

Dr. Avi Shultz

Program Manager for Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power (CSP)
U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technology Office

Dr. Avi Shultz is the program manager for concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), which supports research, development, and demonstration of solar-thermal components and systems that can enable wide-spread deployment of low-cost CSP with thermal energy storage. Dr. Shultz has been with SETO since 2013, where he started as a science and technology policy fellow, supporting the CSP program on a wide variety of topics.

Before joining SETO, Dr. Shultz was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Amsterdam, after getting his Bachelor and Doctoral degrees in Chemistry, from Columbia University and Northwestern University, respectively.



Event Schedule

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All times are in Pacific Daylight Time
7:30 AM

Login Period

Event will be launched so you may log in early to ensure you have a good connection.

8:00 AM


Robin Miles, HPC4EnergyInnovation Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

8:05 AM

Overview of the HPC4EI Program: National Laboratories Partner with U.S. Manufacturers to Increase Innovation and Energy Efficiency

Aaron Fisher, HPC4EnergyInnovation Project Manager, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

8:30 AM

DOE Roadmap for the Decarbonization of Industry

Featured Speaker

Joe Cresko, Chief Engineer, U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office

Panel Session 1: Decarbonization of Industrial Processes

9:00 AM

Panel Moderator:
Aaron Fisher, HPC4EnergyInnovation Project Manager, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Boston Metals: Molten Oxide Electrolysis for CO2-free Steel Production

Adam Rauwerdink, PhD, Senior Vice President Business Development, Boston Metals


Shell and Oak Ridge National Laboratory: CO2-free Production of Hydrogen from Methane

Dr. Vimal Ramanuj, Computational Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Electric Power Research Institute and Argonne National Laboratory: Electrification through Induction Heating Pipe Bending

Dr. Noah Paulson, Assistant Computational Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory


Noble Thermodynamics and Argonne National Laboratory: CO2-free Combined Heat and Power

Dr. Miguel Sierra Aznar, Co-founder, Noble Thermodynamics

Dr. Riccardo Scarcelli, Principal Research Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory

DOE Technology Needs

10:30 AM

Technology Needs in Carbon Utilization

Featured Speaker

Amishi Kumar Claros, Acting Division Director of Carbon Dioxide Removal and Conversion, U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Carbon Management

10:50 AM

Modeling and Simulation Needs in Concentrated Solar Energy

Featured Speaker

Dr. Avi Shultz, Program Manager for Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power (CSP), U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology Office

11:10 AM


Panel Session 2: Hydrogen Material Interactions in Turbines Burning High Hydrogen-Content Fuel Mixtures

11:30 AM

Panel Moderator:
Dr. Edgar Lara-Curzio, Distinguished Scientist, Director for Energy Transitions and Infrastructure Programs Co-Director, Fossil Energy & Carbon Management Program


Materials Interaction in Hydrogen-fired Gas Turbines

Ramesh Subramanian, Principal Expert and Innovation Manager, Siemens Energy, Inc.

Sachin Shinde, Manager, Lifing Method and Tools, Siemens Energy, Inc.


Dr. David Alman, Associate Director of Materials Engineering & Manufacturing Directorate, National Energy Technology Laboratory

Dr. Omer Dogan, Materials Scientist, National Energy Technology Laboratory

Panel Session 3: Hydrogen Combustion for Stationary Power Generation

1:00 PM

Panel Moderator:
Sibendu Som, Director for the Center for Advanced Propulsion and Power, Argonne National Laboratory


Modeling Gas Turbine Combustors with High Hydrogen Fuel Blends & Challenges

Homayoon Feiz, PhD, Technical Leader,Combustion Modeling,Gas Turbine Engineering,GE Power


CFD Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion for Gas Turbine Applications

Dr. Peter Strakey, Research Scientist, National Energy Technology Laboratory


Simulation Challenges in Development of a Dry Low Emissions Gas Turbine Combustion System for 100% Hydrogen and Natural Gas Blends

Dr. Shaun Ho, Group Manager for Methods and Analysis Group of Combustion Engineering, Solar Turbines Incorporated

2:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Robin Miles, HPC4EnergyInnovation Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

2:15 PM



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Event Coordinator

Profile picture of Michelle Herawi

Michelle Herawi
HPC4EnergyInnovation Administrator


(925) 423-4964
hpc4ei [at] (hpc4ei[at]llnl[dot]gov)