
On August 20-22, 2024, HPC4EI in collaboration with U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE) Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO) held the "Amplifying U.S. Manufacturers' Potential with High Performance Computing" workshop. The event gathered over 60 participants from U.S. manufacturers, cloud providers, DOE offices, DOE national laboratories, and academia to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's University of California Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC).
The three-day workshop featured talks and demonstrations from leading HPC cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Rescale and RONIN, showcasing the latest advancements in cloud computing technologies. Industry and national laboratory principal investigators also shared their experiences and projects related to the HPC4Mfg program, providing valuable, real-world HPC applications that have led to improvements in areas such as advanced manufacturing, decarbonization and AI-driven modeling.
Each session concluded with a Q&A panel, and breakout sessions on the workshops third day allowed participants to delve deeper into topic areas and foster a collaborative atmosphere. Organizers said the workshop underscored the importance of HPC in driving innovation, facilitated cross-sector knowledge exchange and strengthened connections among the participants, paving the way for future HPC collaborations.
HPC4EI continues to gather interest and feedback from the manufacturing community to stimulate growth of HPC usage by U.S. manufacturers. Contact hpc4ei [at] (hpc4ei[at]llnl[dot]gov) to connect with HPC4EI staff.

Kyle Cook and Kiley Naas, Rescale

U.S. Department of Energy Staff and HPC4EI Director

Don Hancock and Nathan Albrighton, RONIN
Download Presentations
- Speaker Biographies
- Opening Presentations
- National Laboratory Capabilities
- Cloud HPC
- Government Programs and Perspectives on HPC Research
- HPC4EI Project Highlight
- HPC4EI Future Directions
To view the collection of speaker biographies, download file here.
"Accelerating energy solutions with HPC"
Patricia F. Falcone, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
"HPC4EI: Partnering with US Manufacturers to Bring National Lab Scale Impact to the World"
Aaron Fisher, Director of High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
"Elevating Innovation: Update from DOE's New Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies"
Josh Porterfield, Fellow, Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies (CET), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Helena Fu, Director of CET, U.S. DOE
"Computational Capabilities for Manufacturing Research at ORNL"
Ramanan Sankaran, Distinguished R&D Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
“Resources at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility”
David Martin, Industry Partnerships and Outreach Manager at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Argonne National Laboratory
“High Performance Computing at LLNL: El Capitan and Beyond”
Erik Draeger, Scientific Computing Group in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing Group Leader and High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC) Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
“Advancing Sustainability through Sustainable Computing”
Michael James Martin, Staff Scientist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
“Supporting Manufacturing and Energy Innovation with Computing at Berkeley Lab”
Dan Martin, Computational Scientist and Applied Numerical Algorithms Group Leader, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
“Need for Speed - Is Navier-Stokes slowing us down? AI Accelerated Aerodynamics in Motorsports”
Kyle Cook, Solutions Architect, Rescale
“Build your very own 15,000 core cluster in the same time it takes to make a coffee.”
Nathan Albrighton, CEO - Founder, RONIN
Ravi Karnam, Sr. Manager IT, Infrastructure, GE Vernova and Melanie Li Sing How, Research Engineer, Aero & Thermosciences, GE Vernova
“Smart Manufacturing Innovation for America’s Energy and Manufacturing Future”
Huijuan Dai, Next Generation Materials and Processes Program Manager, Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO), U.S. DOE
“Shaping the Future of Manufacturing through High Performance Computing”
Dr. Steven Lee, Program Manager, Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR), U.S. DOE
“Applications of High-Performance Computing in Solar Energy”
Tassos Golnas, Technology Manager, Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), U.S. DOE
David L. Hagen, Chief Scientist, VAST Energy Solutions, LLC
“HPC Enabled Critical Energy Component Life Prediction Modeling in Support of the Energy Transition”
Kai Kadau, Lead Technical Expert Probabilistic Analytics and Simulation, Siemens Energy (SE), Kevin Knipe, Turbine Life Prediction Expert, SE and Patxi Fernandez-Zelaia, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Michael Joly, Senior Principal Engineer in the Aerothermal Systems Department, RTX Technology Research Center (RTRC)
“Applications of HPC Based Phase Field Modeling to Advanced Manufacturing of Structural Alloys”
Bala “Rad” Radhakrishnan, Distinguished Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Aaron Fisher, HPC4EI Director, LLNL
"HPC4MDF: Using High-Performance Computing to Advance Large-Scale Manufacturing for Clean Energy”
Alex Plotkowski, Computational Coupled Physics Group Leader, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Aaron Fisher, HPC4EI Director, LLNL